Living with VanaH


Embrace “the real water” and start a healthy life
for the well-being of your body and soul.

Appease yourself with moisture


The water of Mt. Fuji, which has been selected as a World Cultural Heritage, contains abundant mineral components as it is filtered over a long period of time.
In addition, basalt groundwater and underground flowing water contains a high content of both vanadium and silicon among mineral components, which has been drawing attention as a mineral that supports the health of modern people.

There are many effects that water bring to our health, diet, and beauty. Among them, taking moderate amount of both vanadium and silicon is an important first step in order to be healthy.
For an easy intake of both vanadium and silicon it is recommended to consume vanadium/silicon-containing mineral water.
You may feel the difference by substituting the water that you usually drink.

When polishing yourself and reviewing your health, why don’t you start with the idea of ​​choosing the best water for yourself?